Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

TALENT24H needs to install cookies to offer content and provide better service to its users. Cookies are small data storage and retrieval devices downloaded to users’ terminals to store or retrieve stored information. Once installed, the data and information collected through cookies may be returned to TALENT24H (first-party cookies) or our partners (third-party cookies).

We also remind you that TALENT24H is a subscription-based service, as outlined in our Legal Notice and General Subscription Terms. However, we offer our Users free navigation and access to our content through the acceptance of cookies. We will use these cookies to show personalized advertising based on users’ preferences and browsing history, so they will only receive relevant ads.

This Cookies Policy applies to users of the TALENT24H website.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies serve various purposes, such as identifying our users, recognizing the device or terminal they access from, facilitating navigation, remembering preferences (login data, selected language, etc.), and generally improving the user experience by offering information and services related to their interests.

In any case, TALENT24H guarantees that the cookies used do not store sensitive information about users, such as credit card details, bank data, photos, or identification documents.

We also inform you that current regulations allow us to install cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the functioning of the Website, as well as those preference cookies that require prior user action for their installation. For all other types of cookies, we need our Users’ prior acceptance and consent.

We inform our users that TALENT24H uses different types of cookies that can be classified according to the entity that manages them, their purpose, or the time they remain activated.

1.1 Cookies by the managing entity:

Depending on who manages the device or domain from which the cookies are sent, and therefore who uses the data and information obtained, we can distinguish:

  • First-party cookies: managed by TALENT24H.
  • Third-party cookies: installed and managed by our partners or third parties, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, or X.

1.2 Cookies by purpose:

There are many purposes for using cookies. Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is used, we can identify the following types:

  • Technical cookies: enable users to navigate the website and use its features or services, such as controlling data traffic, ensuring security, identifying login data, or managing the payment process.
  • Statistical cookies: provide information on how visitors interact with the website, completely anonymously. The information collected is used to measure website activity and improve the service based on user data analysis.
  • Preference cookies: remember information that changes the appearance or behavior of the website based on user settings, enhancing the user experience. For example, they remember language, search results, appearance, or content settings based on browser type or region.
  • Marketing cookies: store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing for the collection of information on users’ visits to other websites, the ads they see, the ads they click on, the time spent, etc. These cookies allow user profiling to display relevant and attractive ads.

1.3 Cookies by activation duration:

Depending on the time they remain activated on the device, we can distinguish:

  • Session cookies: store user information only during the visit.
  • Persistent cookies: store user information for a set period beyond the session duration.

2. List of cookies used

Strictly necessaryDos Mil PalabrasProvide registration, session, and activation services for free and paid services.
AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsAnalytics service that tracks the website using Google Analytics to gather user access data and analyze browsing to improve products or services.
AnalyticsComscore (Score Card Research, Full Circle Studies)Tracks browsing time, visited website, and related information to create reports on general visit patterns.
AnalyticsStatCounterAnalytics service that tracks the website to gather user access data.
Analysis and advertisingGoogle RemarketingGoogle stores a number in the user’s browser while browsing certain services to remember the visit. This number identifies a specific browser on a computer to personalize ads based on previous browsing.
AdvertisingDoubleClick (Google Inc.)DoubleClick uses cookies to improve advertising by targeting it based on relevant content, improving campaign performance reports, and avoiding showing ads already seen.

3. Disabling and deleting cookies

Users can modify cookie settings and withdraw their consent at any time through the Settings Panel. You can also change your browser’s cookie settings as follows:

  • How to delete cookies in Mozilla Firefox.
  • How to delete cookies in Google Chrome.
  • How to delete cookies in Microsoft Edge.
  • How to delete cookies in Safari.

Blocking or disabling all cookies may limit the website experience, restrict functionality, or even prevent proper navigation or use of certain services. We remind free users that changing cookie settings may result in denied access to TALENT24H content. If desired, you can subscribe through this link.

4. Personal data protection

The information collected through cookies may involve the processing of personal data, as some allow for user identification.

Processing is legitimized by TALENT24H’s legitimate interest in ensuring the website’s effective functioning and security. The processing of data from statistical, preference, and marketing cookies is legitimized by the user’s prior consent, given by accepting them.

Data will be processed for the period identified in this Cookies Policy.

For third-party cookies, data will be processed by our partners, and your data may be subject to international data transfers.

We inform you that Google Analytics adheres to the Data Privacy Framework, ensuring the security of your personal data. More information is available in the privacy policies provided: Google Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. OKDIARIO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the Privacy Policies of third parties mentioned in this Cookies Policy.

For more information on processing your personal data, see our Privacy Policy.

5. Cookies Policy modification

OKDIARIO reserves the right to modify this Cookies Policy in accordance with Spanish legislation and with proper communication to users, either through publication in this section or by any other communication or dissemination means deemed appropriate.

Cookies Policy updated on August 1, 2024.