As usually happens in these cases, the FDA has communicated and has raised the alarm about possible dangers that exist in the consumption of a particular and widely sold yogurt throughout the United States. Although it is a particular variant, it can affect the health of many and, consequently, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration has decided to delve into the contamination that brings microplastics inside these containers. Find out what it is and why you should remove from your home this product, which has already begun to say goodbye in the main stores of the country.
Warning of the presence of microplastics in these yogurts
It is a well-known yogurt whose brand is Wellsley Farms, which has alerted several specialists who called for the withdrawal from the market of one type of these, in particular: Greek yogurts with natural flavor and vanilla. The reason that worries many is the presence of microplastics and the contamination that this entails for the youngest who may consume the product. The presence of chemical substances that are harmful to people can lead to illnesses and even alterations in hormones, making possible the presence of metabolic disorders or even more risky pathologies.
Going into detail, the Wellsley Farms brand yogurts affected are those in 40 oz. containers, with a code 888670048085 at the bottom if they are natural flavor. In the case of vanilla-flavored yogurt, the code for products that should be recalled and should not be consumed is 888670048078. While the expiration date may vary, more than 16,000 cases of this product have been distributed in Maryland, Connecticut and Kentucky. The FDA has also alerted the people of Seattle, Washington, as this is where the main factory where the yogurts with microplastics have come from is located.
What to do about it
In case you are one of the holders of these yogurts in your home, the first thing you should do in consequence is to throw them away. This is recommended as the main advice by experts working at the FDA. By throwing it away, we save misunderstandings of possible consumption by minors at home or future dramas of diseases due to the ingestion of the so feared microplastics. In this way, the recall request will also take effect by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
You can also seek compensation by contacting any official means of the company producing these yogurts with microplastics, Wellsley Farm. You can also be aware of any new problems in their products from the updates that they themselves publish in the manufacture of their own creations. In this way, they protect consumers in some way, something similar to what the FDA does, who usually make weekly reports with possible “recalls” or messages with important information to take care of the health of Americans when consuming food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics or related.
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